83% of voters think increasing funding for Medicaid amid COVID-19 should be a priority for Congress.
Thai includes
94% of Democrats
73% of Republicans
Only 5% think Congress Should not incre4ase funding to Medicaid
As COVID-19 Causes millions of Americans to lose their jobs and health coverage, over three quarters of voters (79% think it is better for lawmakers to increase spending on public programs like Medicaid rather than decrease spending.
Voter Concern about cutting Medicaid Benefits
Registered Voters – 80% concerned 20% not concerned
Democrat Voters 91% concerned 9% not concerned
Independent Voters 70% concerned 22% not concerned
Republican Voters – 70% concerned 70% not concerned
Voters on Medicaid – 90% concerned 10% not concerned.
A majority of voters (66%) THINK WE SHOULD ENSURE Medicaid is strong and stable to help the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and health insurance during the COVID-19 crisis