Take Our Survey We’d like to learn more about you and your views on independent living. First Name* Last Name* Email* State* Age Would you prefer to age in the community – without having to leave your home? YesNo Older adults and people with disabilities should be empowered to take an active role in their own health care. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree Older adults and people with disabilities currently have a fair say when it comes to the choice of living at home or in the community, versus a long-term care facility (e.g., nursing home). Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree Older adults and people with disabilities who want to live independently at home or in their community should have personal care covered by insurance. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree People with disabilities are discouraged to work because they may not qualify for Medicaid anymore if they make a certain amount of money. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree People with disabilities have a difficult time participating in the workforce. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree The government should invest in technology to improve health care coordination that would allow older adults and people with disabilities to better monitor their own care at home. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree Which of the following areas of independent living concern you the most? —Please choose an option—HousingTransportationHealthFinancial StabilityPersonal Care * = required fields