This week we’re reading up on the Fair Housing Act in celebration of Fair Housing Month with the Blog, as well as staying current on the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA), tech accessibility, and entrepreneurship for workers with disabilities.
- As April comes to a close, the Blog is marking Fair Housing Month with HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Deputy Assistant Secretary Bryan Greene, particularly the fair housing concerns of deaf individuals.
- WHCOA released its second in a series of policy briefs aligning with the conference’s four priorities. This one is featuring long-term services and supports. Read more and send comments to Still more: WHCOA comes to Cleveland, per WKCY.
- Entrepreneurship may be the answer for some who face employment barriers due to disabilities per a new University of Illinois at Chicago program, writes Disability Scoop.
- The San Francisco Business Times is reviewing a number of recent tech-related cases under the Americans with Disabilities Act that are encouraging (and requiring) tech firms to include accessibility as a feature of new and emerging mobile apps. Related: Law360 is reporting on a recent class action against Google in California for discrimination against older workers.