The Baltimore Sun: Police training expands for encounters with people who have developmental disabilities
The 11 recruits will be the first police class in Howard County to take the four-hour training on intellectual and developmental disabilities after it became a requirement for recruits across Maryland. — Tim Prudente (Jan. 17)
The Guardian: Poor housing is bad for your mental health
People with mental health conditions are one and a half times more likely to live in rented housing than the general population, with greater uncertainty about how long they can remain in their current home. — Dawn Foster (Feb. 4)
The Hill: Dems introduce alternative to GOP’s mental health bill
A group of House Democrats on Tuesday introduced their own mental health reform bill as they call for changes to a Republican-led measure working its way through the chamber. The Democratic bill casts aside several of the areas of Murphy’s bill to which Democrats have objected. It does not include financial incentives to states to reward assisted outpatient treatment laws, which allow judges to mandate treatment for patients with serious mental illness. — Peter Sullivan (Feb. 2)
Mashable: Glenn’s crusade – The actress is on a mission to end stigma against mental illness
[Glenn] Close has taken a bigger approach in ending the stigma around mental illness, beyond her own experience. She founded Bring Change 2 Mind in 2010. It’s a coalition of organizations that provide service, screening, support, treatment and information about mental illnesses. Bring Change 2 Mind fights to end the stigmas surrounding mental health, and the hurtful and harmful stereotypes that sometimes follow those with mental illnesses. — David Yi (Jan. 26)
Richmond Times-Dispatch: Ready to leave the mental hospital, but nowhere to go
Hospitals are obligated to keep their patients until a safety net is in place for them on the outside, because without stable housing and health care they are likely to wind up back in crisis. The problem, advocates say, is that safety net doesn’t exist in Virginia. — Sarah Kleiner (Jan. 30)
REPORT: Justice in Aging, “Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Supports for Low-Income Older Adults and Family Caregivers”
Fay Gordon and Vanessa Barrington (February)
REPORTS (3): National Council on Disability, “Implementing the Affordable Care Act: A Roadmap for People with Disabilities;” “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act: A 2015 Status Report;” and, “Monitoring and Enforcing the Affordable Care Act for People with Disabilities”
The National Council on Disability released three reports between January 14 and February 2 examining the Affordable Care Act and people with disabilities. (Feb. 2)
REPORT: Rooted in Rights, “Focusing on the realities of aging with autism”
Emily Pate (Jan. 25)
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