Who Will Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First? | The New York Times
We answer that and other important questions about the distribution, safety and availability of the shots.
The Viscardi Center Recognizes Global Leaders with Disabilities | KPVI
The Viscardi Center — a non-profit organization providing a lifespan of services that educate, employ, and empower people with disabilities — announced eleven recipients of the 2020 Henry Viscardi Achievement Awards on December 3
The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First? | the New York Times
The C.D.C. will soon decide which group to recommend next, and the debate over the trade-offs is growing heated. Ultimately, states will determine whom to include.
Ali Stroker Says Bringing a Character with a Disability to Christmas Ever After ‘Means So Much’ | People
The actress, who uses a wheelchair, stars in the Lifetime holiday movie premiering Sunday
Collared: New laws crack down on fake service dogs | NBC News
Nearly two dozen states have tightened the leash recently on pet-owners illegitimately passing off Fido as a service animal.
To study aging, scientists are looking to outer space | National Geographic
Space travel induces bodily changes that are remarkably similar to growing old, providing a unique way to boost medical research.
To See and Be Seen: These Dancers Make Disability Visible \ The New York Times
Heidi Latsky’s “On Display” and Kinetic Light’s “Descent” show the broadness and diversity of the field of disability dance. It’s not polite to stare. Especially if you perceive the person you’re looking at as different in some way. But if you avert your eyes quickly, there’s no time for your perception of difference to change.
Healthcare Workers and Elderly Care Home Residents Will Get First Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine, CDC Panel Says | Time
Frontline healthcare workers and elderly residents of long-term care facilities will receive the very first COVID-19 vaccinations, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory board recommended Tuesday. These groups will make up Phase 1A of U.S. vaccine recipients who will receive the first 40 million or so doses that could be available by the end of the year. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently reviewing two vaccines, from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, for emergency use authorization.
8 Ways To Make Elections Better For People With Disabilities | Forbes
The U.S. election is essentially over, and the Presidential transition is more or less underway. Despite dire but entirely reasonable predictions about Covid-19 and voter suppression, it looks like people with disabilities and chronic illnesses were not disenfranchised wholesale — at least no more and maybe even less than usual. It will take awhile to get a clear picture of what happened with disabled voters. But it’s probably not too early to brainstorm a bit about what would make the whole election experience better for disabled people next time around and going forward.
News from Abroad
New normal for disability sector: Everything is different, but nothing has changed for them | The Tribune (India)
Financial constraints, immobility, transport problems mar villagers nine months after the Covid lockdown was implemented, and the members of the disability sector are yet to come out of the impact. While some have been rendered jobless, others have had their incomes hit strongly. Even as the sector ran the campaign #Ask Captain on Twitter, two differently-abled people fighting for the rights of the disability sector, say the handicapped are most affected than rest of the population.
From Glassboro to Kenya to the UN, fighting for disability rights, inclusive education | Rowan Today
Education for all kids, Brent C. Elder says simply, “is a basic human right.” From the classrooms of Glassboro to those in Kenya, Bahrain, Ghana, Rwanda, and beyond, Elder is focused on ensuring that children with disabilities receive the same education, in the same classroom, that non-disabled students do.
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