Coronavirus Pandemic Led to Surge in Alzheimer’s Deaths | The Wall Street Journal
As Covid-19 raced through long-term care facilities, it amplified mortality risks for those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
With the novel coronavirus, suddenly at 60 we’re now ‘old’ | the Washington Post
More than 20 million Americans ages 60 to 65 got a rude surprise this year. Many of us, BC — before the novel coronavirus — had counted on a little more time before we had to see ourselves as “old.” Yet in recent weeks, we’ve been shoved toward senescence as supermarkets have scheduled “senior hours” for those 60 and older, and major media have reported experts’ warnings that the elderly, starting at age 60, are extra vulnerable.
Investors predict the winners and losers in America’s shift to digital health during the pandemic | CNBC
Digital health is one of the sectors that has been thriving in the pandemic. Venture investors backed companies to the tune of $3.1 billion, more than in any first quarter of any previous year since 2016, according to Rock Health. But not every company in the field will do well, despite the fact that more Americans are now opting for virtual doctor visits, online drug purchases and at-home medical testing. Investors suspect there will be some home runs because of Covid-19 and some abject failures.
Anthem launching enhanced version of its Alexa skill in 13 commercial markets | Fierce health Care
Anthem is launching an enhanced version of its Amazon Alexa voice assistant skill across 13 of its commercial insurance markets. The Anthem Skill allows members to ask Alexa for assistance with several common requests, such as scheduling a call with an Anthem customer service agent or ordering prescription refills. Members can also seek further information about their health plans, including how close they are to meeting their deductible or the balance in their health savings account or health reimbursement account.
Beyond smart phones: Applying sensors and devices for healthier aging | National Institute on Aging
Older Americans are becoming increasingly tech-savvy, with more than 75 percent using smart phones. As older adults become more comfortable with these and other “smart” tech items like watches and fitness trackers, NIA-supported researchers are working to find innovative ways these devices can monitor and improve physical and cognitive health.
Anti-racism and pro-aging: A Stonewall legacy | The Hill
June is Pride month for LGBTQ communities and a time when we’re celebrating a historic victory with a Supreme Court ruling banning workplace discrimination against LGBTQ people. As two white gay men leading national organizations focused on older Americans, the killing of George Floyd and many other manifestations of systemic racism in this country have reminded us of a lesson we must not forget this month or in the weeks, months and years to come: There can never be equity and equality for older Americans, for LGBTQ people or for anybody else until we dismantle white supremacy in this country and replace it with racial equity.
Lyft Settles Disability Discrimination Claims With Justice Department | Disability Scoop
Lyft is agreeing to change its ways after being accused of denying rides to people with disabilities in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Under a settlement reached this week with the U.S. Department of Justice, the ride-sharing service will update its policies to ensure that people using foldable wheelchairs and walkers have equal access to rides.
Black Medicare Patients With COVID-19 Nearly 4 Times As Likely To End Up In Hospital | NPR
New federal data reinforces the stark racial disparities that have appeared with COVID-19: According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Black Americans enrolled in Medicare were hospitalized with the disease at rates nearly four times higher than their white counterparts.
Carolyn Hax: A less visible disability is still a disability | The Washington Post
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