How Massachusetts can become a living laboratory for aging | Boston Globe
Let’s measure what’s going on in cities and towns so we can identify how a community’s aging circumstances change over time.
Grandparents in the pandemic: a lost year, but now some hope | The Washington Post
No sleepovers with popcorn and Disney movies. No dance recitals or holiday pageants, let alone any Grandparents’ Day for visiting the kids’ classrooms. No hugs. The first 12 months of the pandemic represent a lost year for many in the largest group of grandparents in U.S. history. Most of the nation’s some 70 million grandparents are in the fourth quarter of their lives, and the clock has kept running.
Who would get that last ventilator? Disability advocates say NC’s protocol fell short. | North Carolina Health News
Health care leaders in North Carolina came up with a protocol to guide practice in the event COVID would require rationing care. But federal regulators said it fell short.
Independence Can’t Wait: New Bill in Congress Championed by The Arc Will Make Home and Community Based Services Available to All | The Arc
As the nation continues to face a pandemic that has put a glaring spotlight on the health dangers facing people living in nursing homes and institutions, today Members of Congress unveiled a critical bill developed with The Arc and other disability and aging advocates, that will fundamentally change how people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and older adults live their lives
Alex Gray Went Blind As A Child. Now He’s Running For Boston City Council0 | WBUR
Campaigning last week outside Forest Hills Station in Jamaica Plain, Boston City Council candidate Alex Gray paused at a granite curb with no cutout.Holding a red-and-white cane, Gray took the elbow of his communications adviser, and carefully stepped down.
Disability Across the Pond
How Germany violates conventions on disability rights | Deutsche Welle
Germany’s sheltered workshops for people with disabilities exist in breach of a UN treaty. Now the European Parliament has voted to phase them out — but Germany’s 3,000 workshops may not be going anywhere.
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