This week: We recognize the passing of Congressman John Lewis, AND COVID-19 and its effects on diverse communities AND we Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act!
What We’re Reading: April 27, 2020
This week: EEOC gives the green light for COVID-19 Testing at work, a renewed call for Caregivers and PAs, and how to address mental health and loneliness concerns for older Americans, PLUS Alicia Keys and the Rolling Stones add to your Pandemic Playlist.
What We’re Reading: October 28, 2019
In case you have spent too much time working on your Halloween costume, catch up on the latest articles on disability, aging and LTSS. Get the news now and fight the sugar rush later!
What We’re Reading: August 5, 2019
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What We’re Reading November 13, 2017
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