If you are still coming back from a restful Memorial day we have you covered – This week: We reflect on Mental Health Awareness month and Older Americans Month with help from iNAPS and n4a, aging in place and the use of technology to keep connected AND a take on disability insurance all in this week’;s What We’re Reading
You Are Never Too Old to Make Your Mark
May is Older Americans Month. We turn to our NAB Member, Sandy Markwood of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) to offer us suggestions on how we can support older Americans, and create communities that are supportive, inclusive, and accessible for everyone.
May is Older Americans Month
Each year in May we pause to acknowledge Older Americans‘influence on our society as well as consider how to maintain a society in which the presence and engagement of older Americans is respected and valued. This year the theme for Older Americans Month is Connect, Create and Contribute. We are encouraged to:
Senior Citizens Day
August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day – a day to recognize the wisdom, accomplishments and sheer perseverance of older Americans. We have all been influenced by older Americans – be they parents, relatives or friends -- but the way in which we think about older Americans can often contradict the realities of their day [...]
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